Friday, December 26, 2014

I WON A REBORN CONTEST!! and i never expected i would.

a former member, and since returned to one of my groups had invted me to her page on facebook.

im not gonna lie, we have had an issue in the past and i really questioned the reason for the invite, but because i believe in the goodness of ppl, and want them to see the goodness in me, i accepted the invite.

when i did, i was told there was a contest going on for the new year and the prizes were going to be some newboen sized baby braclettes and a newborn sized necklace.

one of the rules was to write a resolution in 4 words of less, so i put something like:
"get back into reborning" or something similar, along that line of thinking.
because i really do want to get back into it. its been 2 years an its time.

so, i left it at that, never thought id ever win...had forgotten about it to be honest.

next thing i know a couple of days latter the owner contacts me in private to tell me im the winner!!!

i was shocked! litterally speechless! floored!! dumbfound!

i couldnt believe it, but it was the truth.

she got my info, and sent me the tracking numbeer the next ay, and i didnt believe in a million years within 24 hours from her upnorth to me here in the southern midwest area of the same country, id have that package!

so, when i heard the mailman run by the house, i went out to check the mail, as its holiday time and i wanted to make sure no one took anything that may be of value in my mailbox (not that ive heard anyone having it happenon my street, i was just being cautious) i opened the mail box up to find a box. and it was from the owner of that group! and it was the ONLY mail IN the box!

so, i rushed inside, grabbed my ipad mini, and took pics of everything from the package itself, to the packaging, to yhr tiniest details on the items.

and these things are stunning! absolutely beautiful!
i wish my camera would have better quality, as good as it is, it still cant capture the essence of these items, in all seriousness!

so, i took some pics, promised id share them on my facebook, in the group, and in this blog.

heres the images:

i have a NOOR kit i just got, as part of my Christmas gifts. and i was planning on trying some new air dry paints out on him. and planned on making him a boy, he just looks like a boy. and the one bracelet that has the boy charm on it, id put on him.


if i ever make reborns again, ill use these on my dolls for display in photo shoots. i think it would add a very sweet appeal to the pics.

the lady whos page i was invited to also sells these.
if your also interested in purchasing them, just go to: (closed group, youll have to ask to join)
*NOTE* cover image subject to change at any time.*

youll want to message a woman named MONICA JEANNE BELL for orders:

im unsure of her personal email. so i cant add that here. but if you have facebook, just hit the facebook liks ive provided and youll be all set to  speak with her and make any orders.

i love these things! i think they are so pretty, and dainty, and would look great on a reborn doll.
they are NOT intended for any REAL infant, as they do have small parts that can be pulled off and choke a baby, so be mindful of that if you think youd want to have anything for a real inafnt, id just go with the plain bracelets which, are equally as stunning without the baubles on them. any baby would look great in these just plain.  :)


Wednesday, June 18, 2014


i should see this beauty by 3pm today!!!
i cant wait!!!

Service Type: USPS Tracking

Shipment Activity Location Date & Time
Out for Delivery OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73110 June 18, 2014 7:24 am
Sorting Complete OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73110 June 18, 2014 7:14 am
Arrival at Post Office OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73110 June 18, 2014 6:26 am
Depart USPS Sort Facility OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73107 June 18, 2014 3:07 am
Processed through USPS Sort Facility OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73107 June 18, 2014 12:56 am
Depart USPS Sort Facility BOISE, ID 83708 June 16, 2014 11:12 pm
Processed at USPS Origin Sort Facility BOISE, ID 83708 June 16, 2014 8:51 pm
Electronic Shipping Info Received
June 16, 2014
Acceptance BOISE, ID 83713 June 16, 2014 3:37 pm
 as soon as this kit arrives, ill take some images of the limbs, the head, the belly plate, so everyone can share in this with me.

i cant wait! by 3pm today, ill have a limited edition AA baby kit!

wonder what number he is? hes one of 200 (i believe) and then theres the silicones that were also being made that  look like him, i havnt seen anything about those yet...5 i believe.

hurry up3pm!!


Monday, June 16, 2014


got notice today that ASRIEL is shipped, and sitting in BOISE IDAHO right now..

cant wait to get this doll..

i just want to see how big he really is.
ive heard they say he can take up to 3 month clothes. i have some girls in 3month, ill have to go look through my stuff and see what i have, cause i totally intend to make him a girl, even tho he comes with a boy belly plate comeplete with boy bits and all..

June 16, 2014 , 8:51 pm
Processed at USPS Origin Sort Facility
BOISE, ID 83708 

Your item has been processed at the origin sort facility at 8:51 pm on June 16, 2014 in BOISE, ID 83708.
June 16, 2014
Electronic Shipping Info Received

June 16, 2014 , 3:37 pm
BOISE, ID 83713 
so, i wonder where his adventure will take him tomorrow, sonce i do not expect to see him arrive at my door till wednesday sometime.

i need to remember what it takes to pull him tohether...

some facts about him are:
Asriel will be a Limited Edition 200 in vinyl and then a VERY limited edition silicone baby of 5 (+2 AP).
Kit will include:

**Caucasian colored vinyl**

13'' head circumference.
3/4 arms and full legs.
Anatomically correct plate
flesh color cloth body
COA (Certificate of Authenticity, usually numbered as this is a limited edition kit)

Eyes are 20 mm eyes. 

Head is 13'' diameter. 
Asriel is 20'' long with bent ''froggy'' legs and 22'' long if his legs were straight.

Friday, June 13, 2014


not my work, this is the clay version of the kit ill be getting

so i inquired the kit supplier about when she thought shed ship my kit out, and her reply was, maybe tomorrow.

everyones prepping fro a huge doll show in NC. so theres no real telling. but i suspect it would go out by this weekend. hopefully. no worries, i think the shows only for a weekend, so by weeks start , maybe even mid week hed be shipped.

and hell have a tracking number..cant wait, cause i want to see how large he is to prep him for some cloths.

im STILL trying to figure out if i want him to be a girl, or a boy, he comes with a male belly plate..
hes so beautiful eitgher way to me, maybe ill make him gender neutral and when i feel the desire to make him a boy or girl, ill just put those clothes in him/her.

Not my work, shown for differences in skin color and gender.

i still need to figure out eyes for wanting brown eyes with green in them...more brown than green but not so it looks like that they are only brown, i want the green to be enough you can really tell the difference.

Eyes sources from Pabol Eyes (link below)

as you can see, theres allot to chose from, and to most ppl these all look the same.
but they all have slight differences in the make ,and everyone of these has a series of colors they are offered in, i chose the brown/green hazel ones, because im doing asriel as a bi-racial baby.

im wanting his eyes to be strikingly loely, when you see him/her, you just melt.
 of them all, i think i like CB the best...

i like the dark green ring around the  iris, and the  brown around the pupil. i think the balance of them both is good. so ill prolly purchase a pair of this eye.

im purchasing these acrylic eyes from PABOL EYES, and they have issues with their web page , but you can see allot of the designs and such on their Facebook page, which is where i sourced the images from to compare. 

ive gone back and forth, as well with his hair...
curly, leaning towards wavey.
dark, leaning towards dark.

i cant wait till the email lets me know hes on his so excited!

ill have WIP  progress images of him on here and on my Facebook page i do regular dolls at:
if youd want to join to watch his progress there, simply LIKE the page. :)

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


got the invoice, a bit unexpectantly in my email telling me his payment was due.
came at the wrong time, so i had to ask craig about it.

he had told me he may be approve for a credit card through his jobs bank creditt union, which i wouldnt hear about until today.

so i asked, and he was approved, i had email about how long they give for the payment to be made and was replied with "5 days"...which wasnt gonna give us allot of time to make sure we could pay for this kit on that card, because that may come by business days and not standard days, so the expect wasfor saturday, but if they go business days, then it would have been monday, and that was gonna be too late and id have lost him, so craig...let me get him anyway.

i cant wait to see how big he is, and hold him...i think hes just stunning!

Friday, May 16, 2014

MILO HAS ARRIVED and he came with a delightful surprise!!

so milo showed up 3 days after i purchased him on ebay.
and i opened him up and took some pics and posted them to my Facebook page.

but i promised to share his work in progress pictures online, for his seller, she was very nice and we had  a great chat back and forth while i was waiting for him to show up. she doesnt have social network, so she wont be able to see any works in progresss of him as i do him.
and since i like to blog about my babies anyway, i thought id  blog his progress as well as post the same images on my facebook page for him.

so, i open the box, and saw that folder, figured that was just paperwork, like the invoice for the purchase. didnt really pay much attention to it, because i was looking for him in the box, to make sure he was alright, and all there.

i lifted that folder up, and saw a small manilla  envelope under it.

she had asked me if i would want something free in his package, and i said sure if she felt like she wanted to add it, so i assumed that was the item..
i had at that time opened the folder, assuming the material was the invoice, and i looked at the note, and lifted that manilla envelope up, and was so suprised to see a TUTORIAL i have been wanting!

i nearly broke down in tears, because this individual has no idea i really am looking for any and all tutorials i can find, and i was given this one for free came with the device to help make those sweet baby bubbles on a reborn

sorry about that crappy pic i took of the printed image...its jsut am aimage that shows a close up of the mouth with those bubbles you can make...the device also has a solution to make the bubbles.
i thought that was a great gift!

onto milo, lol
i looked and saw him in his bag and then opened him up, and true to me, took pics of all his limbs and  things, because i think ppl like to see a kit blank, i know i do, because you can take that blank and show how much different it looks when youve reborned it.
so these are those images:

so, this is milo, hes Andrea Websters Regular baby boy. im also making her a zombie for a book shes writing, as well as to be on the cover of the book itself (shes going to dedicate that book to me) but milo is that zombies twin sibling, and not a zombie.

i wantd her to have a regular doll if she ever wanted to take him out and about, maybe to buy him clothes or something, and not have ppl stare at her with crazy looks, lol

so hes gonna have brown hair, brown eyes.
and i WILL have updates about him in this blog.
so, if your interested in watching his progress, keep tuned, sign up for email from here, or connect to me on Facebook.