Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Jul 20, 2011

Koko Continues to "Mother" her Ape Baby Doll


Koko doesn't usually bond this closely to her "dolls" but she's been spending a lot of time with this ultra-realistic one lately, giving it a lot of love and carrying it in much the same way as most gorilla mom's carry their newborns. This wil be good practice, should we succeed in helping her adopt — a wish she expresses often in sign language.
i mentioned in one of my 1st blogs on here, that i had painted a chimpanzee.

theres a long story to that painting, but it all started when my mother handed me a book about KOKO and her kitten.
that one book, changed me. set me for life, with an inner love for primates.
so much so, when i had the chance to paint my 1st, and currently only, painting, i wanted it to be a primate.

so much time has passed, i dont know if i even posses that raw talent i held as a new 18 year old, anymore.
so, my love for both painting and  primates exteneded itself to a 3-D canvas, on reborn dolls.

i love them, but i especially LOVE the monkey ones best. and have even considered just doing them excelusivly.

and today as a feed on my Facebook, i see an image of KOKO, the very being that started my love for Primates, holding a custom made REBORN  'ape' herself.

small world.


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