Friday, August 12, 2011


man! im gonna say one thing about THEY ARE FAST!

when did we put that order in? 3 days ago? and today i got her! amazing!

came in a tiny box, not like my monkey kits.
but a box, youd expect to get a hard back book in, seriously. i looked at that thing, thinking, theres no way shes stuffed in that.
and yet, when i opened it, there she was, perfectly fine, no damage what so ever.

and shes small.
i wanted to see how small.
man! 10 inches is

heres a side by side of her head and  one of my monkey kits.
im so excited! cant wait to start working on her.
making babies, selling them for some money. i just hope i do well enough at this that it pays off in the long run.

i was on another reborners  facebook page and someone was asking how much her dolls were because the individual wanted to get one for her daughter/grand daughter. and the reborner said they start at 150.00 just for the materials, and thats not including the cost of time invested in working on these babies.

she went on to say it takes several days to  paint the layers.
and it can take as much as 20 hours to do the hair alone.

then, you have to factor in the cost for clothes and accessories to go with the baby when purchased as well...

her quote to the person asking? 300-500.00
and people pay this for these babies.

its a market.
and i want to try to get into it.

theres another doll/train show coming up in about a year, im hoping to have a few dolls in it for sale.
ill even try to have one or two dolls in train outfits on the train side, just for the fun of it, and too see if people would be willing to buy them. im thinking 2. one boy, one girl.
and the doll side (which i never got to go look at last time, for any reborn dolls) ill have (hopefully completed) 5-10 by then, of course, a monkey or two. just to be different.

so, i have to be thinking of the investment going into the 1st baby with a set of overalls, and a tain hat on, with a train toy, as well, because it was my thought at the last show to have a couple of dolls at the show on the train side that were "train" oriented. as display, and for sale.

so i have to find a kit, thats not too expensive , and be working on that at the same time im working on emma.

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