Tuesday, August 9, 2011


so, because ive committed to making sure that i represent with every baby that i sell, either by having the baby BE a monkey (my primary interest) or having clothing thats inspired by monkeys, or having an accessory thats a monkey..ive been looking for GIRL clothes with monkeys on them.

my reasons for representing the primate population is so i can donate proceeds from every sale to primate preservation.
so, i want to make sure im representing primates (monkeys and apes) in some form or fashion with every baby that i sell.

im finding, the market is less inspired for baby girls, although there IS clothes, theres not as much as looking through boys , which seem to have tons.

im thinking, ill probably be making more boys, lol. NOT! ill go as i feel the baby inspires me to do so.
heck, EMMAS not committed to HAVING to be a female...shes not got anything in her head or limbs that require me to make her a girl, she COULD be a boy...if i went that direction. i havnt seen anyone make emma into a boy yet, though.

anyway, back to my subject.

i was online looking for baby clothes, primarily Preemie baby girl clothes that have monkeys on them.

seems CARTERS (the same comapny that i have the blog about the preemie baby boy outfit i bought) has the market on baby girl preemie 'monkey' clothes.

heres a few examples:

 this set has 3-4 different outfits in it, so for the money its an excellent deal.

if you look close you can see a monkey is in the mix of animals on the chest.

a fleece sleeper, with monkeys (in close up image of fabric) print.

emma COULD be made into a boy.

emma as a blank.
i guess if i made emma into a boy id have to name her EMMET? whats the male name for emma anyway? i wonder if there is one.

looked online found this:
Emmett  Male Variant of Emma; a Premedieval Girl's Given Name  male  English 

so, EMMET is the Male version of the name EMMA

so, i guess i could name him (if i make emma into a boy) Adam-Emmet. except thats not the nae of the kit, id better stick with my original idea. and make Emma a girl, so i can keep that idea.


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