Sunday, September 4, 2011


well, i waited too long, and my next kit i was in line to get was KIRI, and shes ...*sigh* OUT OF STOCK...
BYRON, as stated in several other posts, STILL resides safe and secure in the numbers.

i was telling my husband about the fact that KIRI went OUT OF STOCK on me, but i had the availibility to get the 2 6 inch dolls (complete, with body, and already painted) AND BYRON, for the same cost as BYRON and KIRI would have been together...
i got no response from him (lol)

so, i also remembered i had gone through the list (the entire selection of available and out of stock kits on and saw there were 2 kits that were over 60% marked down.

went too see if they were still available, and they are, with a VERY HIGH SELLOUT RISK on them both..

one was: KINSEY

and the other (which i chose to get) is : PAISLEY

this is one of the kits i was hoping to get to fashion into a resemblance of my son when he was an infant.

very close in resemblance in my mind.

so, the kit will be here within the week, i suppose.
cant wait! shes my 1st REAL baby kit ill have. SO EXCITED!

im thinking ill keep my Daniel baby. because it memorializes him as an infant. perhaps if he has a little girl, when shes old enough to respect the doll as an art piece and NOT A TOY...ill give the doll to her too keep of her father. hmm, not sure what to do if he has more than one, im an only child, so is he, i dont think in multiples...but it is a

i guess, ill just have to make more...

the ones i keep, are what i call: PORTFOLIO BABIES...ones im working up for my online portfolio so i can show my work, and abilities.

ALL the babies would be that, but the ones that i want too keep will also be live (not as in living) but as in REALITY live displays of my work for shows and stuff...

now i need to think about an outfit for my CUSTOM baby of daniel...something MONKEY (of course)


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