Monday, November 7, 2011


Last year Ina Volprich won an unprecedented 3 Colliii Awards for her OOAK dolls. This year she is back and has once again been nominated. Find out what she has been doing since her triumph in 2010.
Ina Volprich Congratulations Ina. Last year won cleared up with 3 Colliii Awards for your one of a kind dolls. What has happend in the meantime?
Ina Volprich: Thanks! this past year I have been busy making numerous dolls for the Eschwege doll show here in Germany. I have had one OOAK doll that has produced as a kit and little "Jaron" has been on the market since July 2010. After your amazing haul at last years awards, why did you decide to enter again?
Ina Volprich: I wanted to enter some of my latest pieces. I have been working on improving my skills and it was important for me to measure myself again. The Colliii Awards is a great way to see what collectors think of my work and that is why I entered Margarethe. What made you enter Margarethe? Were you confident with your choice?

Ina Volprich:
Margarethe is a portrait sculpt of Margarethe Steiff. I was greatly inspired by the film about her, to see what a hard life she had and even though she had a hard time she still managed to create all those teddys which have been loved by so many people over the years. That was the biggest reason to recreate her and present her in this competition.
How long have you been sculpting for now?

Ina Volprich:
I started back in 2009 and have been making Reborn dolls before that, since 2007. I wanted to do Reborn versions of my own 3 children but could never find a kit that looked like them, so I decided to start sculpting. I made my first portait the same year in August and have been very busy since then!
What do you do with all the dolls that you make?

Ina Volprich:
I do a lot of portrait work for people that have asked me directly to work for they tend to buy those dolls that I make. I sell some at doll shows and quite a bit of my work is at the Czech dolls museum "Muzeum Panenek a Medvidku". For those that cant make it to the Czech Republic, can they see your work online somewhere?
Ina Volprich: I have a website where I have all of my dolls and also add regular updates

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