Monday, December 19, 2011


as im looking around on the web recently, i came across a video on youtube of an artist who has made some silicone dolls..

FULL silicone bodies!
that intriqued me! and i have been hooked ever since...
i want one..but man! are they expensive.

i suspect thats because 1)- they arnt cheap to make with the silicone.
2)- they arnt that high in demand
3)-its still pretty much an undiscovered doll
4)- most reborners dont work with silicone
5)-i have heard they are quite different to paint.

i specualte, of course, not really knowing anything except the videos and images i have seen..

i adore the fact they 'flop' like a real baby. the head 'bobs' to and fro, like a newborns would. and they are said to feel incredibly like a real newborn because of the special silicone they are made with.

i have been on a few pages on FaceBook and have seen people talking about them..
and today, one of the ladies who was 'schooling me' on the manufaturing of these dolls, sent me a private message telling me that CLAIR TAYLOR has 1 Stephanie doll available and all it needed was to be rooted...

its at a time like this i waish i was  rich, or had won the lottery, or had a tree in my back yard that grew dollar

stephanie is a doll with only 15 in her production..and...shes SOLD OUT!

Sorry, Stefanie has Sold Out!
My Newest Silicone baby Stefanie is available in Solid platinum silicone.

Stefanie is a full size chubby newborn baby, a LE of 15 babies. Her head circumference is 14" and she is a 20" baby. Stefanie has full limbs, and an anatomically correct chest/belly plate with magnetic umbilical cord over a custom made doe suede body. She wears a white Will'Beth outfit with little colored flowers. Stefanie is available as a completed doll only. There are no kits available for Stefanie.

There are only 15 babies available in the edition of you can choose if to have one of these 15 babies asleep or awake. There are NOT going to be 30 available ONLY 15 and the collectors' choices will dictate how many will be asleep or awake by their choice for their Baby Stefanie.

You can also choose if you would like to have

Dragon skin or soft platinum silicone, skin tones for your baby. I made a new biracial skin tone I call Stefanie, just for this beautiful baby, but you can also choose from my other skin tones, l offer Light Caucasian, Caucasian, Biracial, Asian, and African

If you choose to have an awake Stefanie you can to have newborn blue or brown eyes. I use only high quality glass eyes for my babies.

Stefanie is $1595, and the non-refundable deposit to for Stefanie is $350. Shipping is included in the USA an additional $40
for international shipping.
Lay away is available up to 9 months

All lay away and deposits are non refundable and not transferable to another doll.
to me, this stephanie doll has 1 drawback to me...and a main reaso i wouldnt get her at all..shes not a complete body silicone...
i want a full body silicone baby...

i have seen some sites offer kits that are making one is a possibility...but they would have coth bodies and silicone limbs...and im really interested in the whole thing being silicone.

whats been handed to this one individual is! the dolls value will increase as the years go on..and shell be sitting on a gold mine one day (if she never sells her)

this woman came to me letting me know this was available...but unfortunatly, i cant get her.

i dont have the funds, and i dont ahve the skilsl yet to work this doll...
but oh how i

CONGRATS MIMI...if you do get this doll, shes one in a million (ok, of of 15 in a million, lol)


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