Saturday, January 14, 2012


The Reborn art has become a modern Gold Rush.... everybody wants to sell their dolls on ebay. Everybody wants to quit their job and become a doll artist. I've even seen ads for Reborn teaching aids, that encouraged you to buy the book so you could make thousands of dollars on ebay.
Reborns are not another get rich scheme. Slow down... don't get caught up in the Gold Rush mentality! We lose all the joy in life and in art, if it's always about money.
Making Reborns is definitely an art form, and it's a very lovely art form. The internet has made it possible for anyone to become an Artist... but it's not likely that many people will be able to become full time artists because there are dozens or maybe hundreds of NEW ladies (and gents!) who are learning this art every day. It is a very enjoyable craft, and it's a very unique art form that is fairly new.
Painting the doll is the most challenging part of making a Reborn doll. The artist's eye, the artist's skill and the materials that are used according to the artist's preference will all contribute to the end result. Reborns are not a paint by number system... each vinyl doll is truly an opportunity for unique creative expression.

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