Saturday, January 21, 2012


been waiting for this moment to happen for a looooong time. i asked at the end of december, for this to be one of my christmas gifts, so i could actually be working on it at the start of the new year.

i have 800 reborn kit albums on my Reborn Kits Online FaceBook Page. and im anxious to get them loaded up, because i want to make sure i highlight artists, and reborners, and the various ways any kit can and has been reproduced.

so, i gently reminded (ok, i asked) hubby today (payday was yesterday) if it was possible for me to get this URL...
and he said...YES!

so, now, my brains all whirling around with how to make this idea an actuallity, i have plans (all in my head) for everything. i havnt put it all on paper yet.

im not even sure how the web sites gonna look...yet. ive toyed around with ideas for thet, but never really settled...
theres so much to do.
so many things i have plans for for this web page.

and i havnt even started my own baby

i really didnt want to until i had a page up to show the progress, of each doll as i made and videos.

so, this is really my launching pad, to FINALLY get going...
feel pretty ok in knowing i have allot of my things in place to get started...

and for as bold and aggressive as i am, youd think it hard to believe i am actually scared to

ok, back to the web page (deflecting the reality setting in on
i have to figure out background imaging, and fonts, and style...
*sigh* would be SO much easier if i was a web master and knew all this stuff already, so it wouldnt be an issue...
yeah, thats another area im considering getting into, so i can make my pages by having to bug the husband to get them done...

sso, anyway...ill know soon if the URL "" will be mine...

cant wait

UPDATE: hubby said its being processed...*BIG GRINZ*


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