Sunday, March 11, 2012


In 2011 Peruvian doll artist Cinthya Agurto Salas won the Colliii Award for "Best Special Effects". We met up with her for an exclusive interview and to find out more about this artist....

Cinthya Agurto Salas is one of the leading doll artists from Peru and she entered the worlds largest doll making competition in 2011. It was her second time to enter the Colliii Awards (which are held each year) and her Reborn doll "Miguel Angel" was nominated by the public for several awards. The jury finally awarded the doll with the "Best Special Effects" award and you can find out all about Cinthya in this interview: What is the life of a reborn artist like?
Cinthya: For me it is more than a job, it is a way to express myself. After suffering several health and emotional issues I have found a way to express and release myself in this beautiful art form. I was so happy to discover reborning! Congratluations on your success at the 2011 Colliii Awards. This wasn´t the first time you entered though. What motivated you to keep trying?
Cinthya: Thanks for the compliments and to everybody that voted for Miguel Angel! Being nominated and finally winning a Colliii Award has been a large milestone in my carear that is for certain. When I was nominated I was thrilled, and when I found out I had won I couldn´t believe it. What made you enter the doll that finally won?
Cinthya: Well I have to thank my good friend and customer Barbara for helping me with the choice of doll. She encouraged me to enter this doll which I made for her and I am so happy that I did! have you done with the winning doll? Do you still have it?
Cinthya: He now has a new "mother" and has a new "happy home", so I didn´t keep him. The Colliii Awards are the largest doll making competition in the world. How has the response been to your success?
Cinthya: I have a lot to be thankfull for! I has definitively helped me to be among the Colliii Awards winners as the competition is a great way to promote my art and let people see what your own art can be like. The doll market is moving in different directions. What kind of dolls are you thinking of doing int he future?
Cinthya: I love Reborn dolls but I love ball jointed dolls and also I would love to experiment with silicon dolls. I am currently experiementing with my own sculpts, so there is lots going on for me too! As an artist from Peru where do you get your inspiration from?
Cinthya: I love to do ethnic looking babies and I try to draw on my own culture to get inspiration. I am happy that that also gets accepted as I am very enthusiastic about it. How do you feel that Reborning has progressed in the last few years. What about the artists in general?
Cinthya: I would have to say that the overall level of the work has become very high. I think there will always be a market for Reborn dolls and when I have shown my work to people in my native Peru they have been very interested by it.
I can see the Reborn world getting better and more realistic for sure. I can imagine lots of new ideas coming on the scene in the near future. How big is the Reborn market in your current home Spain? Is it still growing?
Cinthya: The reborn scene in Spain is definitivly growing. The economic situation in Spain is very har so I am glad that I have several collectors that often buy my work.
There is a reborn doll show in Madrid in March which is being run by some collegues of mine, so it is growing for sure! What advice can you give new artists?
Cinthya: I would say they have to be confident of their own work and not be afraid to express themselves and try something new. I would advise them to look in forums for advice and techniques and get as much infomation as possible before starting painting. How can people find out more about your work or buy your dolls?
Cinthya: People can visit my website or find me on facebook or even send me an email on

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