Friday, April 13, 2012


Getting to know Stacey Haskins of Haskins, Heavenly Babies


Stacey Haskins of Haskins, Heavenly Babies discovered Reborns in 2005 while searching for a special doll for her daughter’s birthday.  Stacey has always been an admirer of beautiful dolls and once she saw Reborns she was immediately hooked.  After purchasing a few Reborns and watching auctions for a year Stacey decided to use her artistic background and in 2006 Haskins Heavenly Babies was born.
In six short years Stacey has gone from being a newcomer in the Reborn world , and melting heads in a microwave, to winning the prestigious Worldwide Colliii Award in 2010.  Her work is nothing less than breathtaking, with clients worldwide seeking out her creations.  On her Reborning journey she has won numerous other titles of Artist of the Month, 3 Lifelike Dolls Magazine G.L.A.D.  Awards and the most Outstanding Artist award from Simply Reborns.  To learn more about Simply Reborns or the Colliii awards visit the following links.
Stacey would like newcomers to know that “Patience is a virtue!  To never ever rush a baby to get it done.  It will show in your craftsmanship.  To always stay humble and be kind because you never know where the road will take you. “It takes weeks for Stacey to take a blank kit and turn it into a magnificent work of art.  Stacey’s clients are well aware of the pride she has in the quality of her work.  She states, “You will only find the finest of materials with a Haskins baby.  You will never hear of her using rubbish inside of one her creations.”
Stacey would love to see the Art of Reborning grow and become recognized more in a positive light.  She says, “It seems that all attempts to get this art out to the public have been about collectors and how weird they must be for collecting these babies.”  She would love to see Reborning shown from the Artists perspective and from collectors that collect for the artistic value of the work.
Stacey told us that as she continues to grow in the Reborning world she would also like to learn to sculpt in the next year or so.  If her sculpts are anything close to her Reborns, Reborn Artists will be in for a real treat when they hit the market.
Stacey will be at the Down East Doll Show and Conference in Greenville, North Carolina in June of this year, showcasing her amazing babies.   She has also shown her work at IDEX in previous years.  More information for the Down East Doll Show and Conference can be found:
To view more of Stacey’s works please visit her website at:

, Joplin Doll Collecting Examiner

Debra C. Jadick is the owner and operator of Lasting Memories Reborn Nursery. She has been a fixture in the Reborn Doll community since 2008. She has recieved recognition from her peers in the Reborning world by winning first place in different competitions. Her creations have been purchased...

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