Thursday, April 5, 2012


ok, so i got an email saying there was this competition for anyone who has had less than a years worth of reborning experience under thier belt (that would be me, ive only been reborning since january, technically that makes it..3 months) and you had to have ONLY a baby (or two) but no toddler.

so, i submitted 3 pics of my custom of daniel when i had taken his pics.

would be cool to win, have the honor of having a tag for a web page saying i won a comeptition with my very 1st doll. but i dont think, in all reality, id get that.
but, one never knows do they?

i might just surprise myself!

we shall see.

update, i recieved an email informing me my pictures count be branded. i had never thought about that. i guess it makes sense, so to not give bias.
so i have to send the unbranded ones along, and i was also informed of the rules (to which i was unaware of)

Open theme
No toddlers (check, i only have 1 baby at this time, happens to be my 1st, and an infant)

5 photos
1. close up of face (may have to take another one, just to make sure i have a good one)
2. close up of hair (check)
3. close up of skin or nails or detailing of your choice (will do another of the skin)
4. full shot of baby (check)
5 photo of your choice (few of those, check)

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