Sunday, April 8, 2012


so, im never without thinking...

always looking for something for the next doll im on. this time, its, TIBBY.

now, tibby is a custom of my mother as a toddler.
and one of the things to make this kit resemble my mother more is seeking out an outfit similar to the one she wears in her picture.

now im not sure if, in fact the original dress was even blue, thats a painted over picture, thats how they colored images back then, gave them a wash of color.
but since i dont know any different, ill assume, for the sake of continuity, that i need a blue dress very simlair to this one.
doesnt have to be exact, but as close to it as possible, is what im seeking..

so, i was at walmart yesterday.
the day before easter, and had this ide ai could find a cute sweet easter dress, all frilly, and pretty, fluffy, little girl-like and possibly buy that, as an alternate dress for this doll to wear.

i didnt find ANYTHING!

so, i came home and decided to look for a dress online, theres no shortage.

snagged this pattern online based on the upper corner image of the baby dress.

found this one on for...10.00 i may be buying this one.

THIS pattern...65.00!!!! but, does have the entire ensemble for making a dress. im no seamstress, im gonna leave that up to anyone else to do for me, lol

i also have to concentrate on socks, blue, and simple, and shoes.
shes wearing sandles in the picture, but i wanted to try to get some older hard shoes like this:

the today version of her sandals.

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