Wednesday, February 26, 2014


well, looks like the box ive been waiting on the longest, is in Dallas.
i should get it tomorrow i guess.

put in for this on the 3rd, had to wait for MRB to come back from a trip for her to send it off, and its taken the longest, with 2 other orders , one from a web site, and the other from an independant seller on Facebook, arriving BEFORE This one has.

i have to THANK the internet, for making my life feel so much more balanced so, i can watch a delivery cross the country.

as i think about that, im not sure why this one didnt just stop in Oklahoma...went to a state further UNDER me, than i actually needed to, eh..thats our tax dollars at work, i guess, seems pointless to waste that much gas on a box of baby clothes, when this thing could have been at my door a fw days ago had it just went straight to me....but what do *I* know?!?!?! (lol)

will have to do the same for these as the others, and sort them all when i get them.
organize other items, if i have baby bottled and such, have to make sure anything outside of a sealed package is stricktly for reborn dolls, and not for sale for an actual infant.
just for sanitary reasons alone.
i just dont feel right about doing it that way, if ppl want to buy baby bottled and pacifiers, they can buy them sealed in a package, i intend to have that as well in there, just because some ppl with dolls want a real thing, unmodified, or altered, and if they do, so will real moms with real babies (hopefully)

so, this should arrive tomorrow, while my other package will come today.


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