Monday, February 3, 2014


because shes still a minor, im not going to reference her name just her Intials.

MRB (and thats not her real intials, its her nursery names intials)

ive been dealing with M for a little while, we connected on facebook, and shed ask if anyone wanted some of the baby clothes she has to sell, and she always seems to have a ton..

she likes the monkey stuff, like i do, but i was struck the 1st time by an outfit she had for sale that my son used to wear when he was a new baby..
and at the same time, or very near that time, she had some shoes he also used to wear.

i was so struck i had to go and purchase a near lookalike kit to him as an infant (still working on) to have in my collection of personal custom reborns.


to date, it is STILL the closest kit to his face as a newborn in that picture that i can find. several others have come close, but this one is by far his match.

i digress...

we have done a few transactions, most of my clothes for my dolls have come from M, ove rthe past year or so.

and so it is, she was selling some more, and there was several moneky ones in the lot.

i asked how much she was willing to sell everything for? and she asked me to make a call. come up with a number, make an offer.

so, i counted the items. 71 (if im right, could be more)
and offered her 75.00
shes including shipping. cant beat that!

heres the stuff:

so, craig said wed do the transaction tomorrow night, and then M will have to make sure this is all boxed up and shipped out.

cant wait..

why am i so anxious? i have the opportunity to have a small weekend business going at a flea market right up the street from me. and i noticed there wass very little in the way of baby clothes at this place, and i know that baby clothes, and items are a HUGE seller! cant find that stuff at a yard sale if your there late..why? cause ppl buy it up! 

so, this will go towards my inventory for that business.

thank you M! 

ps- need a good name for this little business of mine. something about babies/infants/ etc, and be catchy as well. ill need to make business cards for that so i can send one off with every customer.

2-4-2014 UPDATE:
paid 75.00 for them, sent notice to M about the money having been sent via paypal. and she thanked me,.

then she posts shes gonna get rid of allot of her baby stuff...
told her to let me know what she had available, id prolly buy it...she has to go through it all and see hat shes gonna keep and what shes gonna let go, told her id do a huge order, like this one, and she asked if i wanted her to keep everything until the next load, so shipping wouldnt be so much, i told her, no..ill deal with that when that time comes, and told her dates of payments (5th/20th) so shed know when to ask if i was interested in her stuff. 

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