Tuesday, September 20, 2011


ive known a new paycheck was coming for some time.

decided the other day to do a cross research inside Bountifulbaby.com, by listing each baby by its order number, and retail value as well as the rate i can get it at.
and try to make some sort of sense out of an organized listing of these dolls.

so, as i was foing this, and finishing it up yesterday, because i knew today id get to buy another doll...
i noticed when ever craig gets paid, the former cheaper dolls, go up about 5 bucks...
and there were a ton of them that were lower than before...
but they allmost ALL had facial expressions, like crying, or they were babies that had closed eyes.

so, my heart wasnt really into getting any of them, none of them struck me as ones i absolutley HAD to have before the rate went back up again on them.

so, i gravitated towards KIRI, again. and noted she had actually, gone down in her rate from 2 weeks ago when i was wanting to get her, but put her off to get PAISLEY instead (who is now Out Of Stock).
so, im thinking ill get KIRI...which will give me 2 of the 4 ten inch babies. theres another one, but i see her even more rarely than the others that i see rarely. not sure shes ever gonna come back into market again.
but i DO have the chance to get KIRI. and i think i will.
im not to crazy about her expression tho, but, shes another doll i can practice on and work on and do, and sell..
i STILL need to get BYRON, but he seems to always be available.
maybe he wont get bumped in 2 weeks and hell be my next purchase.

so today im going to order the KIRI kit.


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