Saturday, September 10, 2011


 i couldnt resist this set for the price!
and it is hard enough to find anything basic in monkey, but i happened to luck upon this set (pants, shirt, and onsie) in a monkey theme.
there was the cutest GIRL set as well, in the same theme, but in pink colors. so cute.

so craig agreed to get it, its 2 outfits for the price of one.
ill use the onsie as a single outfit, with some socks, and shoes.
and the shirt and the pants as an outfit as well...

and lucky for me (if they are still there  when i go back) i found MONKEY socks on the sale isle in baby size too! i hope they are still there because i intend to get several pairs each time i go to stock up on them for my dolls.

heres the pics of the outfits.

arnt they the cutest bottoms? cant you imagine seeing that on a newborns bum? lol

i was thinking one of these outfits would be the one id use on the doll i make of Daniel...
oh! and IF this set is still available in the Girl outfits (Onsie, Shirt, Pants) ill be getting that as well on my next visit to walmart!


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