Friday, September 9, 2011


PAISLEY has arrived.
and my intention was to do a replica of my son Daniel as an infant
i had an incident when i posted this kit and the picture of my son on my facebook into a folder.
someone i dont know, im only connected to because of (ill assume) games, stole the image of my son just moments after i had posted it up in that folder on my Facebook account.

so, if you notice his forehead has some markings, on it, its because the image i now use, has watermark on it.

so, anyway, i bought that PAISLEY kit, in the hopes of making a reborn of my son Daniel as an infant.

theres another kit i saw that has a better facial expression...TORY

TORY has more the scowling forhead Daniel exibits in his baby pic. but his mouth isnt open.
PAISLEY has fuller lips than he had. and they are closed.

i REALLY think TORY is a better match for a prototype of Daniel. and eventually ill get that kit.

of course, i may decide that PAISLEY is right once i see those grey/blue yes in the head. making the head look that much more real.


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