Wednesday, October 19, 2011


 Cessnock woman wins Top Reborn at Newcastle doll show

19 Oct, 2011
Local ‘Reborning’ artist Judith Howard received the overall ‘Top Reborn’ trophy at the Newcastle Charity Doll Show held at Waratah on Saturday, October 1.Of her four entries in the Novice division, three received blue ribbons which means they each scored 90 percent or more, while the fourth won the blue rosette with a score of 93 per cent and ultimately received the ‘top reborn’ trophy which is judged across both novice and professional categories.
Judith has had a keen interest in the sewing craft since her school days and was inspired by her sisters, both of whom are certificated tailoresses and were employed at D’argreavel’s clothing and haberdashery store in Vincent Street during the 1940’s and 50’s. Her daughter Catherine is also a very keen seamstress holding an advanced certificate in fashion.
Judith joined the ‘Marthaville Craft Centre’ based ‘Wine Country Bears’ group in 2000 and attended a few classes in the art of bear making.
After winning many ‘Best Bear’ trophies, blue rosettes and blue ribbons at doll and bear shows, her interest turned to Reborning and over a number of years pursuing excellence in that craft in her Mount View studio, she has achieved her goal in winning the top award.
Though having won many awards for bears, the pinnacle of her craft achievements has been he winning of the Reborning trophy against all exhibitors, both novice and professional on her 51st wedding anniversary October 1.

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