Friday, October 21, 2011


most people would never thing that buying stuff (as a female) would be difficult.

yet, this time it is.
i have set mysefl up for a timeline (of sorts) to begin working on my 1st doll by the start of 2012.
so i have only a few more paychecks to squeak in those items needed to begin when the new year rolls around.

ive reworked my items sheet 5 different times.
and every time, i come out with the thought that a FULL kit, meaning one that has most of the items in it id need, is really the best and economical way for me to go.
it comes out cheaper that way. and gets me a start, plus id have another kit to add to the 10 i currently have waiting, to at least start with.
problem: none of those kits are available.
problem: they are at the lowest 119.00. and we dont have 119.00 to invest to get me started. not right now anyway.
i am fortunate that i do have one kit (Paisley) whom i will be starting my portfolio with as a custom reborn of my son daniel.
i just need some supplies, and they dont come cheap.

i hate to miss the chance this paycheck to not get anything.
maybe i should take what id actually purchase with (money) and set it aside to save up for one of those full kits?

purchasing every item one at a time is almost rediculous. it would take me well into february (i think) to get everything i needed to start if i was working on a budget of 25.00 a check. thats 5 pay cycles.

and we have Christmas coming too.

im getting anxious to start.
to push this artist to a new level.
to see if i can work on a 3 dementional canvas, and bring a plain blank vinyl doll to lifelike proportions.

i really havnt a clue what to do...


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