Wednesday, January 25, 2012


so, before i start this whole endevor i wanted to make sure i had a space set up for this...and to preset this picture, know that this will prolly be the only time its ever THIS clean.

but i wanted to show off my work area..

basic plastic table.
plastic drawers to hold all the things i need to reborn, right now its holding allot of other suff, i need another one for the extra stuff that has nothing to do with reborning.

2 white kitchen towels, for me to rub my paint brushes off onto, and in white so i can see when they are dirty enough to need to be cleaned.

and my halogen heat cooker...plenty of space for me to paint my baby kits with.

of course the box with my TORY kit is on the tanle taking up space, because i didnt really want to show it off or get into it until my birthday (jan 26), and next to that, folded up is the dry rack i got for my babys head and limbs.


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