Wednesday, January 25, 2012

TORY KIT ARRIVES (just In Time For My Birthday!)

i am excited. way more than before.
i mean i had allot of enthusiasm for reborning, but THIS kit..i think will make the difference.

i finally decided to get the Tory kit, to do a custom of my son as an infant.

its that intense scowling look i was after. and i think the TORY kit, will follow through for me in my delivery of what i envision in my head.

so, we ordered the kit. and today (the day before my birthday) she arrived!

here spics of what all i ordered,because i got more than just the kit, i got everything i needed to make TOry into a custom of my son Daniel.

and, i wanted the custom of my son to be my 1st adventure into reborning. i adore my son, and he was an excellent baby. my memories of him as an infant are pricless, so i wanted to take on as my 1st project Him, because he was such a delight. i thought if i did him, and did ok, id do others as good, if not better.

i am well aware that my 1st attempt at a doll, and it being Him, may not be a successful adventure, but..i will love every minute of it, because its my son. :)

Polly Fill, used to stuff the body.

Tory Kit, blank, head and limbs

Tory kit head -upclose
plugs and neck ring, neck ring is used to give the head turnability. plugs are used to keep glass beads and filling in the head and limbs once filled.

cloth doe suede body

has joints! so the limbs cab be posed.

i didnt know this, but the bodys come with zip ties for you already in place...

mohair. Dark brown-wavy (2pks), 1 Ash Blond-wavy. its not well known but my son has a small bit of blond hair (fine baby whispy hair) at the hair line on his forhead. when his hair is cut just right, and you have the right lighting, it glows like a halo. i bought the blond in case i decided to root that. i may end up painting it, i havnt decided yet.

close up of the dark brown Mohair

close up of the Ash blond mohair
i also ordered 3 different sets of blue eyes, because i couldnt decide which one i thought would be perfect in this kit for a custom of my son. so i got: True Blue, Newborn baby blue, and new born blue grey




pantyhose to hold the glass beads and allow for the mobility of them, they are used to weight the baby. Daniel weight 7lbs 15oz when he was born. i want to try to get that

Zip ties, in 14inches and in 8inch lengths

the ends of the 14 inches
the ends of the 8inches

GLASS BEADS..this is what you weight the head, and body and limbs with to give the doll that newborn floppy feel. Daniel weight 7lbs 15oz when he was born. i want to try to get that as close to his actual weight as much as possible, so i ordered..6 pounds, given the weight of the vinyl as the other part to the dills weight.
all of this..for less than 150.00!!!


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