Friday, February 28, 2014

IM WANTING TO MAKE AN ALIEN DOLL ..thinking the IRELYN kit is a great modle for this idea

part of the name i have for this side of my doll business is so i can do the kooky and strange stuff, and NOT be gothic, or animal related. i have  pages on Facebook for those, as well as associated blogs.

theres a kit, called IRELYN, that has the strangest look to me...just outside of, 'odd'

and ive been thinking what could i do to her, to make her have a unique and  loveable appeal?

and i was thinking about using some airdry apints, basically arylic paints, and  painting her.

and it came to mind, to  make her into an alien.

she has these HUGE eyes...
which if you had the right eyes for, oh say, an all black, with black iris & pupol, or even a shimmery, or metalic, shed start to resemble an alien.

id just have to find these not thinking i have actually seen anything like an entire eye thats metalic, and or shimmery.

but heres her kit.

so, most doll suppliers dont make alien eyes, which they should, because most doll artists have to make those on thier own, by using some random eye and creating  an alien oye out of what they have somehow.

one site i use has a whole vast array of eyes, bit not a single alien type one..

closest i got was this kind, which can have a black base (to us thats the white part of the eye) its called DARK MATTER< and i think with the all black base part, THIS would look pretty sweet as an alien eye, not sure, may still resemble to close to a humans eye.

i CAN, if i chose to do so, have them custom make me an eye as well

using this eye template i can create anything id like.
and the page says this:
Custom Order Eyes~
I will take custom commissions, if you have a certain design you want just send over some example pictures or a detailed description if it’s a simple request.
All eyes can be ordered with or with out pupils in any color.
I can do pupils in most any colour.
Eyes can be done in glow in the dark, metallic, shimmer, shine or matte.
I can do almost any color or design.
I can do all sizes from 8mm to 24mm. (26mm can sometimes be done depending on stock)
Custom Eyes start at 16.00 a pair for acrylics

 so, basically, i can say..i want an all dark metallic eye, no pupil, black base (or the same metalic as the pupil and iris would be) and i SHOULD be able to get it.

id want her to have something along the lines of this for eyes.
 while i rrealize her eye shape isnt anywhere close to this, i could simply say, shes hybrid. a human/alien hybrid.

id paint her with a grey color, and one of her last layers would be a very thin , few coats of, irridecent, to give her skin a slight shimmer in the riht light, yet keeping her gret tones intact and not over bearing them in any way.
just enough to give a "dewey" appeal to her skin, with a magical feel of a dusting of  sparkles.

she is half alien after all, lol

id most likely also make her a gray cloth body. or find some  slightly shimmer gret/irridecent material, and possibly use that id have to try to emmulate the same look (color, and shimmer) as the fabric in her skin. so the flow from her kit to her body would be seamless.

i never do undersatnd when ppl create a doll, let say a gorill, for instance which for the most part is done in balcks, and heavy browsn, and they leave a felsh toned cloth body on the doll. the idea of this doll being a real enity (real meaning as fluid and realistic as a doll can be) stops when the mind sees that disconnect from the vinyl to the cloth body. if the two dont match, then it takes, to me, the value of what that was made for away.

so, ill have to try to find some  slightly irridencent, gray material.
of course if shes half hybrid, she could be on the more human tones side, which makes finding anything iridescent that much harder because allot of peach fabrics wont come that way...*sigh*

someone made an alien kit, or announced they were at one point in 2011
which i had known about that when it was being made, id have prolly invested in this to do a few.

at any rate, this is an idea i have. so one day, ill actually make the thing. maybe even a few just to see how well they sell. :)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


well, looks like the box ive been waiting on the longest, is in Dallas.
i should get it tomorrow i guess.

put in for this on the 3rd, had to wait for MRB to come back from a trip for her to send it off, and its taken the longest, with 2 other orders , one from a web site, and the other from an independant seller on Facebook, arriving BEFORE This one has.

i have to THANK the internet, for making my life feel so much more balanced so, i can watch a delivery cross the country.

as i think about that, im not sure why this one didnt just stop in Oklahoma...went to a state further UNDER me, than i actually needed to, eh..thats our tax dollars at work, i guess, seems pointless to waste that much gas on a box of baby clothes, when this thing could have been at my door a fw days ago had it just went straight to me....but what do *I* know?!?!?! (lol)

will have to do the same for these as the others, and sort them all when i get them.
organize other items, if i have baby bottled and such, have to make sure anything outside of a sealed package is stricktly for reborn dolls, and not for sale for an actual infant.
just for sanitary reasons alone.
i just dont feel right about doing it that way, if ppl want to buy baby bottled and pacifiers, they can buy them sealed in a package, i intend to have that as well in there, just because some ppl with dolls want a real thing, unmodified, or altered, and if they do, so will real moms with real babies (hopefully)

so, this should arrive tomorrow, while my other package will come today.



didnt take too long for this one to arrive to me, thankfully!
cant say the same for the other order im STILL waiting on arriving to my door.

edited the tracking number so the image couldnt be used by anyone who may want to go in and claim its theirs, when it isnt.
so, that wont happen, of course i COULD have just deleted that entire thing, but then i felt like the image would look photoshopped, and it isnt, its edited with microsoft paint, and all i did was cut every other section of 5 numbers , and then texted over it with "*"

i really shouldnt have to explain that, but someones gonna ask, and thats your answer.

so, by, maybe 3:30pm ill have this at my door.
ill take pics of each item, just because there may be details on the clothes id like to highlight. i often like making sure the item is profiled nicely!

but here what i compiled from the sellers images she shared with me (as a rmeinder, because i have another blog about this up already on here)

so, all of this is in the box, plus a few more she has told me about.
biggest part of this endevor will be to sort through them all and organize them by size.

ive been doing that with the clothes i have already. so when i open shop, ill have everything ready to just go up and be ready to be looked at and purchased.

ive been trying to figure out a way to designate in a store clothing sizes.

ill have some
3 months
6 months
9 months
12 months
and bigger even

but i need a clean (meaning organized) way of having them all be able to be looked at and just know thats the size your looking for...ive thought about colored hangers, but im not sure theres enough colors, and the investment would be outrageous for as much as i think ill have to hang up..

colored tags?
i like the way walmart does their size selections, they have the hangers with little tags on them in different colors.
im not sure how much that would cost, or exactly where to get those at. ill have to look.

so much more to deal with than just getting the clothes. *sigh*

ORDERED 3 KITS : CRYSTAL, CALEB, and ELIZA and they have arrived.

so, last week i ordered 3 kits. 3 baby kits, i intend to make into regular babies.
and they have arrived.

i just LOVE her expression! and..her chunkiness! shes a chunky baby!

heres a look at her legs pre paint:
bought her for myself, because i love this sculpt, and have, since it showed up on the site i get all my kits from, obsessed over this one. had the chance to snag her up, so i did, thankfully! 

About 21 inches long
vinyl head, 3/4 length vinyl legs, and full vinyl arms.
Crystal uses 20mm eyes.

so shes an inch shorter than daniel was at birth, yet to me, has about a 3 month look to her face.

i also bought

hes a Micro Preemie baby, at just 14 inches in length.

heres his
14 inches long, 
vinyl head, 3/4 length vinyl legs, and 3/4 length vinyl arms.

and lastly:


i love her expression as well. i think her smile is so sweet. i bought another one of these kits ages ago, to make into a vampire baby. 

heres Elizas 

 22 inches long, 
Vinyl head, 3/4 length vinyl legs, and 3/4 length vinyl arms.

Eliza wears 0-3 month size clothing.
*i have a hard time finding that to true, i havnt had to dress her yet myself, but daniel (my son, in real life) was 22 inches long when he was born, and wore Newborn stuff, so well have to see about that.*

The correct eye size for Eliza is 20mm half round.

so my intention at the moment is to reborn all 3, well maybe Eliza, & Caleb, i think i wanna keep Crystal, and have them at my store for ppl to buy. well see how well the market goes for a reborn at an indoor flea markt, may never move an inch, and that would be fine as well, id like to have some reborns out displaying baby clothes as well.

so its gonna be one, or the other, or...both, i can have them on display, and then sell them as well. nothing wrong with that.

when i have some space in my room here, ill take pics of them in my own setting...:)
and, of course, Works IN Progress (WIP) pics along the way as well.

Monday, February 3, 2014


because shes still a minor, im not going to reference her name just her Intials.

MRB (and thats not her real intials, its her nursery names intials)

ive been dealing with M for a little while, we connected on facebook, and shed ask if anyone wanted some of the baby clothes she has to sell, and she always seems to have a ton..

she likes the monkey stuff, like i do, but i was struck the 1st time by an outfit she had for sale that my son used to wear when he was a new baby..
and at the same time, or very near that time, she had some shoes he also used to wear.

i was so struck i had to go and purchase a near lookalike kit to him as an infant (still working on) to have in my collection of personal custom reborns.


to date, it is STILL the closest kit to his face as a newborn in that picture that i can find. several others have come close, but this one is by far his match.

i digress...

we have done a few transactions, most of my clothes for my dolls have come from M, ove rthe past year or so.

and so it is, she was selling some more, and there was several moneky ones in the lot.

i asked how much she was willing to sell everything for? and she asked me to make a call. come up with a number, make an offer.

so, i counted the items. 71 (if im right, could be more)
and offered her 75.00
shes including shipping. cant beat that!

heres the stuff:

so, craig said wed do the transaction tomorrow night, and then M will have to make sure this is all boxed up and shipped out.

cant wait..

why am i so anxious? i have the opportunity to have a small weekend business going at a flea market right up the street from me. and i noticed there wass very little in the way of baby clothes at this place, and i know that baby clothes, and items are a HUGE seller! cant find that stuff at a yard sale if your there late..why? cause ppl buy it up! 

so, this will go towards my inventory for that business.

thank you M! 

ps- need a good name for this little business of mine. something about babies/infants/ etc, and be catchy as well. ill need to make business cards for that so i can send one off with every customer.

2-4-2014 UPDATE:
paid 75.00 for them, sent notice to M about the money having been sent via paypal. and she thanked me,.

then she posts shes gonna get rid of allot of her baby stuff...
told her to let me know what she had available, id prolly buy it...she has to go through it all and see hat shes gonna keep and what shes gonna let go, told her id do a huge order, like this one, and she asked if i wanted her to keep everything until the next load, so shipping wouldnt be so much, i told her, no..ill deal with that when that time comes, and told her dates of payments (5th/20th) so shed know when to ask if i was interested in her stuff. 


andreas a close friend of mine, here in oklahoma city, and im doing a doll for her for free.
completely free.

im buying the kit, the materials to make the doll, the eyes, the hair, everything is coming at an expense to me.
why? because im also making her another doll, also free, but could make me a lot of money just from the exposure of the thing. the other doll is a ZOMBIE..

Andreas a writer, and is seeking an agent to publish her trilogy.
and shes writing a book, i helped inspire about a zombie.

so i thought to help her along, id make her a doll...
so we went through the same proccess i do with every customer, i ask if they want an open eyed doll, or a closed eyes doll..she wanted open, so i showed her a selection of several kits, and she chose the ELLIOT kit.

which i have and have been working on when i have the time.

 shes named this doll: ROSE MARIE (Elliot kit is a preemie sized doll)

not too long ago, i asked her if shed want another doll, one she could actually take places, not that she cant Rose Marie, but she WILL get stared and ppl concerend for the welfare of the child, and it could cause some, i asked if shed want another baby that was ..human.

she said yes, so we went through that proicess for this doll, and chose the MILO kit..

well, it happens that somewhere between me checking the site i get kits from and yesterday, they cancelled this particular kit. and are not going to produce it anymore.

youd think, if your on the mailing list they could at least email you and let you know, and then have a sale on the last few..but i never got a word about it, i found out by scrolling through my Facebook feed and seeing another artist ask about the kit, and some comments that followed were to confirm hes been taken off the site and no longer available. which sucks, cause i was gonna do him for andrea.

so, today i had her go through the process again...
and she chose : PUNKIN

now, note the theme of these dolls, all of them are opened eyed, and...OPEN MOUTHED...
she apparently likes the open mouth, not sure why, not even sure she realizes it, but every kit she appeals to, has an open mouth like these two she was debating between.

both of these are NewBorn in size...she liked the mouth on CAMRYN, and the EYES on i suggested PUNKIN, which kinda matches them both in those areas, and shes a slight bit smaller, but, over all will fit most clothes that andrea buys for this baby.

and, THIS a boy..already named: CONNER.

so, as soon as i can, ill purchase that kit for this doll.